The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. Although the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe,[4] its special significance to humanity is that it is the home galaxy of our Solar System. The plane of the Milky Way galaxy is visible from Earth as a band of light in the night sky, and it is the appearance of this band of light which has inspired the name for our galaxy. It is extremely difficult to define the age at which the Milky Way formed, but the age of the oldest star in the Galaxy yet discovered, HE 1523-0901, is estimated to be about 13.2 billion years, nearly as old as the Universe itself. -Source: Wikipedia.

Note: Click on any link or the Milky Way Image auto closes the panel.

Description: DD Drop Down Panel lets you tuck away ordinary HTML content on the page and revealed on demand when the user clicks on the protruding tab. The rest of the page's content is pushed down when the hidden content is exposed. It comes with a handful of helpful features, from the use of an arrow image to reflect the current panel state, persistence of the panel state, option to automatically close the panel when a link or certain elements within it is clicked on, to the ability to customize the animation speed (or to disable it entirely). And last by not least, two public methods exist to let you dynamically expand/ contact the panel however and wherever on your page. This is a quintessential Web 2.0 effect, made Web "any version" thanks to the added practical features! Demo: Look above!


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